Country/party profile
Demographic and NDC assessment information for each country
{indicator_short}__{indicator_full_name}__{description}__{indicator_full_name}__## {category}
{category_description}## {category}
The __{ndc_type}__ for __{country}__, published on {ndc_date} has been assessed as: __{category}__, based on the following criteria:
## {ndc_type} analysis findings## {category}__{indicator_short_with_id}__
__{sector}__W/o child-sensitivityWith child-sensitivity## {category}
{category_description}## {category}
{category_description}## {category}
{category_description}## {category}
{category_description}## {category}
{category_description}## {category}
{category_description}## {category}
{category_description}[Detailed indicator descriptions ](https://app.akuko.io/post/84a74f1c-6790-4efb-b174-a22e683738cb){photo_name}

The **CCRI** is composed of many indicators across climate and environmental hazards, shocks and stresses, as well as child vulnerability to indicate children’s climate risk as **Extremely High** (7.1-10), **High** (5.5-7), **Medium** (3.8-5.4), **Low** (2.1-3.7) and **Very Low** (0-2).
**Pillar 1** measures exposure to a range of current climate and environmental shocks and stresses.
**Pillar 2** examines child vulnerability and coping capacity; and captures child-specific dimensions that make children particularly susceptible to shock or stress.
## Contact Us
{description}{description}{additional_documents}*The methodology for the “NDC and child sensitivity study” explains how and why the mapping specifically looks at NDCs submitted to the UNFCCC NDC Registry. The study recognizes that some countries use other documents to describe child-sensitive actions and commitments, such as National Adaptation Plans and Adaptation Communications. Thus, the data here should be recognized as one input into a wider discussion on how governments are and can involve children and young people in climate plans, policies and actions and advance their rights, needs and services across sectors.# Additional Documents# Picture gallery
For any questions, inquiries or partnership requests, you can contact us at [climate@unicef.org](mailto:climate@unicef.org)*The methodology for the “NDC and child sensitivity study” explains how and why the mapping specifically looks at NDCs submitted to the UNFCCC NDC Registry. The study recognizes that some countries use other documents to describe child-sensitive actions and commitments, such as National Adaptation Plans and Adaptation Communications. Thus, the data here should be recognized as one input into a wider discussion on how governments are and can involve children and young people in climate plans, policies and actions and advance their rights, needs and services across sectors. [Legal Information](https://unicef.org/legal)