
Measuring Access to Health Services in Nigeria

In this analysis, we would like to explore what physical access to health care services in Nigeria looks like. To do this we would like to use the [Global Motorized Travel Time to Healthcare](https://data.malariaatlas.org/maps?layers=Accessibility:202001_Global_Motorized_Travel_Time_to_Healthcare,Malaria:202206_Global_Pf_Parasite_Rate&extent=-319700.0503395194,361278.5680644505,2055360.9197449558,1690406.4877301664) created by the Malaria Atlas Project. We would then ideally like to compare it with high resolution population data provided by WorldPop. Using GIS software, it is relatively easy to perform analysis on one dataset at a time like the calculating the populations for given areas. Since both of these datasets come in a raster format (similar to a photograph), it is very difficult to perform analysis across them. In this example, we will show how we can leverage the inherent data interoperability pixels provide to easily perform analysis across both datasets. First, let's see what access to health facilities look like across all of Nigeria. Next let's identify the hard to reach populations which we'll define as people living more then 1 hours drive from a health facility.